Thursday, September 29, 2005

About That Family Meeting...

Yeah, you know the one that we were supposed to have earlier in the week that got rescheduled? Well, last night was insane and it just didn't happen. Girl had mud soccer and didn't get home until PC and I were getting ready to walk out the door for a Parents Alliance for Learning (PAL) meeting. Tonight, SmallBoy and I have his very first Cub Scout meeting. We've been too busy the last two years to get him involved. Now, he very much needs to do this. It is an organized way, not to mention a fun way, for him to work on his social skills. The best part is that PC or I will always be with him, so he'll be able to cue from us until he feels comfortable doing it himself. After the meeting, it's power cleaning for the sleepover party tomorrow, trip to the store for presents for an afternoon party tomorrow that SmallBoy was invited to (HOORAY!), and then some serious sleepage. I think I could use some sleepage now...I feel a sneezing fit coming on!

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