Tuesday, May 03, 2005

From the Sick Ward

All of the children are back at school. SmallBoy still has that telltale cough that keeps me on edge worrying about his asthma, but we've kept that relatively controlled with his inhaler. I am back at work today. My stomach has settled, but now the head cold that plagued everyone else has set up residency inside my noggin and I feel worse than I did yesterday. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go home...but I have way to much to catch up on here today. PC's back and shoulder are feeling a bit better. He is still experiencing discomfort, but the pain is diminishing, which makes me feel better. The head cold still has him down, but he's a day or two ahead of me, so I can see the light at the end of my tunnel.

On the bright side, it's Tuesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have I got a book to suggest for you! "Mommy Guilt: Learn To Worry Less, Focus On What Matters Most and Raise Happier Kids"

Aviva and I have a blog on our website, so please drop by and send in a question relating to mommy guilt because I bet you have some awesome ones! Take Care!