Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I Forgot My Lunch Money

How ironic. I nag my children to death about remembering their lunches. Girl holds the record for most forgotten lunches in one school year....I believe she's currently at 30 or 32. This morning I got up in a rush. I stayed up after watching the Country Music Awards, and then stayed up just a little too late after that before finally knocking off into dreamland. This morning I ran through the list of morning routine with SmallBoy, as we do every day to keep him on task. As I was running out the door, late, of course, I realized I hadn't grabbed anything to eat for lunch. Ok, no big deal, I still have a few bucks in my wallet til payday. I can run next door and grab a salad...and some tapioca...and some chocolate was shaping up to be a particularly pleasant lunch for this working mama.

NOPE......not today. It turns out that I took Girl and her friends to their weekly One Tree Hill party and on the way, stopped at Walgreens to let her run in and buy some tape for her finger. She gave me back my change and I shoved it in the back pocket of my jeans.....where it still rests.

There will be no tapioca for me. There will be no chocolate pudding for me. Not today. Boo hoo. I will have a PB & Fluff sandwich delivered to me with love and care by my Darling PC. I won't starve. But I must pout least until tomorrow.....when I get the CHOCOLATE PUDDING!!!!!!!!!!

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