Thursday, November 03, 2005

Oh! How I Want to Play Hooky Today!!!

This is IT. The end of the warm weather. It's supposed to be beautiful...72 degrees, I heard. Nice tomorrow also. I haven't heard the weekend forecast yet. If only our livelihood didn't depend on money. If only "work" was simply something to do during the day. If only....oh, ok, I'll shut up now.

If I lacked a few ethical values (I don't - usually :-( ), I would have called in sick today. Actually, I almost had the opportunity. SmallBoy has the cough that I had a week ago, coming out of that cold from HELL. He was up a few times in the night and, with him, a cough - especially the result of a chest cold, could trigger some nasty asthma. That means, of course, that even after I got him settled and quiet, that I slept with one ear open. TIRED today.

He woke himself up at about 6:15 this morning with his cough and I was worried (hopeful, maybe) that he wouldn't be able to go to school and that I'd have to stay home today. When the reality of that scenario hit me, though, I decided it best to go to work. Oh - you want to know what the reality was...gotcha.

Had I stayed home with SmallBoy, we still wouldn't necessarily have been able to enjoy the day. I would have kept him inside all day (which he would have loved - TV, video games, toys!!!), but I would have been out winterizing my garden, planting my mums for next year, and tossing some tulip bulbs in the ground. Still couldn't have done the fun things though, like walk down to the park or to the coffee shop. Can't do that with a sick kid.

He'll be fine. He stopped coughing before I left for work and was in a happy mood. Girl has a Girl Scout "board meeting" after school today, so SmallBoy is going along to play with the little boy who lives at the house where the meeting will be. The boy is in SmallBoy's class, but MUCH more advanced than he is. He does ok with this boy, and the mom knows all about SmallBoy and is very cool with it. She'll have them outside playing and enjoying the weather. That's good for a day like today...oh yes, that's right, I believe I wanted to play hooky today. Perhaps on my lunch hour I'll heat up my rice and walk over to the park across from my office and watch the leaves fall. Right now, though...MUST. HAVE. CAFFEINE!!!!

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